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Sweeteners in Pet Treats     

Dr. Al Townshend Through our constant vigilance, we at Pet Planet have noticed that certain sweeteners, such as sugar, cane sugar, molasses, and honey, are showing up in more and more pet treats. Many of these treats are popular for a variety of reasons. So, are these added sweeteners a good thing or not?   […]

Taurine is an Essential Component of a Cat’s Diet    

Dr. Al Townshend Taurine is an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins in the body. Proteins are long chains of different amino acids that form different body parts (muscle, tendons and ligaments, brain, skin, etc.). In addition to being a component in protein production, it has several functions that go […]

A Great Way to Enhance Every Pet’s Well-Being     

Whole-body health goes well beyond the diet’s essential water, vitamins, and minerals, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics are Essential, too! Probiotics Probiotics are a common supplement for pets and humans with significant advantages for total health. They are the “good bacteria” essential to every animal’s digestive tract and immune system. Dogs and cats […]

Grain-Free Dog Foods Found Innocent of Causing Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy    

Dr. Al Townshend Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a thinning of the heart muscles resulting in a decreased ability of the heart to pump blood throughout the circulatory system. Because it is most commonly seen in large and giant breeds, it is thought to have a hereditary or genetic component. Low blood taurine levels have also […]

What are Omega 3 Fatty Acids and What are the Benefits of Supplementing?     

Dr. Al Townshend Today, Guardians are aware of the importance of the nutrition they provide for their cherished pets. It is a primary factor in encouraging a long and healthy life. Making sure a pet’s diet is easily digested and includes optimum nutritional levels that promote health and well-being is the goal of everyone committed […]

The Gut Microbiome and Those Essential “Good Bacteria”     

Dr. Al Townshend A microbiome is generally described as a community of microorganisms living together in a particular habitat. Many are not aware that animals and plants have microbiomes both internally and externally. Two examples of animal microbiomes are the skin and gut. There are millions of microscopic organisms that live a natural coexistence on […]

Slippery Elm, One of Nature’s Best Remedies     

The Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva) is a tree native to North America. The inner bark has been used for centuries and is a soothing medicinal remedy.     The Elm’s inner bark contains substances that become a thick gel when mixed with water. When taken orally, it coats, soothes, and protects the mucus lining of […]


Dr. Al Townshend It seems that we are all spending more time with our pets these days, and it has enhanced the appreciation we have for our relationship and the benefits for both pet and Guardian.  Many Guardians have experienced the improved health that comes with more time with pets. More exercise walking and playing […]

Do You Feed Your Pet to Satisfy Their Appetite?     

Dr. Al Townshend For most pet Guardians, the time we spend feeding our pets is a pleasing and positive experience. For the dog it has been that way since man and canine first developed a relationship some 15,000 years ago, and it led to the wild dog (wolf) being the first species that man domesticated. […]

Nutritional Considerations for Our Feline Companions    

Dr. Al Townshend What we today call the domestic cat descended from the North African Wild Cat. Unlike the domestic dog, the cat we know today has changed very little physically, physiologically, or behaviorally from their ancient relatives. They remain skilled predators that depend on a diet that is prey-based or animal protein-focused. Keeping in […]

What’s Important When it Comes to Feeding a Cat    

Dr. Al Townshend      The dog evolved as a hunter and scavenger, consuming large, infrequent meals of fresh or decaying tissue. Whereas cats in the wild are prone to smaller, more frequent meals comprised of fresh nutrients to support a more sensitive digestive system. The domestic feline we know today has evolved as a […]

Sensitive Stomachs 4: The Yin and Yang of Nutrition     

By Dr. Al Townshend Digestive problems that occur relatively infrequently (once a month), such as vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, excessive gas, growling stomach, and depressed appetite, are often referred to as signs of a sensitive stomach. Most of the time, the issues are frustrating but not dangerous or life-threatening.  In light of this, many Guardians have […]

Sensitive Stomachs 3: Medical Concerns     

The challenges and symptoms of “Sensitive Stomachs” can be frustrating for both Guardians and their pets as they can be inconsistent, symptoms may vary, and the triggers can change over time. In saying this, not all symptoms of a sensitive stomach have a simple solution that can be resolved quickly. Some sensitive stomach signs are […]

Building a Better Bowl     

When it comes to feeding the family, a parent’s goal is to provide healthy and nutritious family favorites in a pleasing variety for everyone. The same is true for the family pets. Filling the bowl with very palatable (pleasing) and nutritious recipes encourages a long, happy, and healthy life for all pets. Traditionally, pets are […]

Sensitive Stomachs 2: External Stimuli     

Sometimes a sensitive stomach may be a result of an external stimulus, condition, or impact. Understanding what the impacts are, can help Guardians to identify if a sensitive stomach is symptomatic of large issue. Issues That May Impact Stomach Sensitivities: Food Allergies Most allergies, found in our pets, are reactions to proteins in the diet. […]

Sensitive Stomachs 1: Concerns     

One of the most common concerns that prompt Guardians to take their pets to the veterinarian are digestive issues. Veterinarians often hear from Guardians that their pet has a sensitive stomach.  Most would agree that the term “sensitive stomach” is most commonly used to describe digestive symptoms that tend to reoccur once a month or […]

Preventing Cancer: Food    

Dr. Al Townshend When it comes to cancer prevention, the foods, treats, and supplements we fed to our pets can have a tremendous impact on the long-term health of our beloved canine and feline companions. Hippocrates, the Father of Modern-Medicine, said it over two thousand years ago, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine […]

Canned Cat Foods are All the Same    

Dr. Al Townshend Have you ever heard someone say, “don’t waste your money, all canned cat foods are the same,” well, “nothing can be further from the truth.” Not to get too carried away with famous sayings; “we are what we eat” is also frequently written in articles about human nutrition, and the saying is […]

The Dietary Needs of Senior Pets    

Today, dogs and cats are living longer than ever before. That’s due, in part, to improved veterinary care and the much closer relationship Guardians have with their pets than 40 years ago. Guardians are better educated, regarding the welfare of their pets, and they are willing to go the extra mile to assure long and […]

Loving Your Favorite Chewer     

By Dr. Al Townshend Dogs love to chew, and it’s their instinct to spend time doing just that. The impulse to chew begins early, and it is crucial to direct the chewing away from the furniture and other inappropriate items. Like human infants with teething toys, puppies frequently chew as their baby teeth fall out, […]

Tummy Trouble     

By Dr. Al Townshend Our pets, like their Guardians, are known to suffer from digestive issues. Causes can range from a simple digestive upset to serious medical conditions. According to statistics compiled by Embrace Pet Insurance in 2018, gastrointestinal issues were the most common reason why pets went to the veterinarian. The average cost was […]

Things You Can do to Help Your Pet’s Digestion     

By Dr. Al Townshend Today, Guardians understand that quality nutrition and proper digestion are keys to a long, happy and healthy life for their beloved pets. They are also aware that the cost of better, natural nutrition is significant, especially when compared to lesser quality foods often marketed through multiple media outlets. Guardians that want […]

The Benefits of a High Meat/Low Carbohydrate Diet   

By Dr. Al Townshend The domestic dog and cat we know today have evolved from their ancestors in the wild, the Grey Wolf and African Wild Cat. Their evolution has also been influenced by man for some 20-40 thousand years. Man, through selective breeding, has created the variety we see in both dogs and cats. […]

Can a Pet’s Diet Affect Their Behavior?   

By Dr. Al Townshend One of the most common reasons Guardians give up their pets is due to bad behavior. While diet is not the only cause of behavior issues, what we feed our pets and how we feed them can have a significant impact on their behavior. Common pet behavior issues include: Aggression Mood […]

Can a High Protein Diet Affect A Pet’s Mood and Behavior?   

Dr. Al Townshend Guardians are aware that most dogs, and especially cats, do better when the bulk of their total daily nutrition comes from protein and fat, not carbohydrates. However, some question whether a high protein recipe affects a pet’s mood or behavior. The internet frequently comments on this high protein discussion, specifically as it […]

The Benefits of Rotational Feeding for Pets   

By Dr. Al Townshend Rotational feeding means feeding your pets a variety of foods rather than the same food all the time. This can mean varying the type of animal-based protein (chicken, beef, lamb, etc.) in the type of food you feed or varying the type of foods you feed such as kibble, wet, raw […]

What’s the Scoop: Your Pet’s Poop Can Tell the Story   

By: Dr. Al Townshend As responsible Guardians, we are constantly on the lookout for signs of health in our pets. One clear sign of our pet’s everyday health is their poop (veterinarians often refer to poop as stool). We have to clean the litter boxes and/or take our dogs out for walks on a regular […]

How To Read An Ingredient Panel   

By Dr. Al Townshend The number of pet foods available in North America is overwhelming, and each one is claiming they are the very best. Without doing a little bit of homework, it is almost impossible to decide what foods might be best for your pets. Certainly, the staff at all Pet Planet stores are […]

Benefits Associated with Food Categories   

By: Dr. Al Townshend When it comes to feeding our pets, dry pet foods come to mind for most Guardians. Kibble has been the traditional way of providing a daily diet for dogs and cats, ever since commercial pet foods were developed. Today, the choices go well beyond just kibble to include a variety of […]

The Importance of A High Protein Diet    

By Dr. Al Townshend The domestic dog we know today evolved from their ancestors, the wolf. There is some controversy as to when that happened. Most agree that it began some 20 to 40 thousand years ago. Like wolves, dogs evolved as carnivores or meat eaters. During their domestication process dogs have gained a better […]

The Right Food for Your Pets: Carbohydrates & Fiber   

By Dr. Al Townshend The Good and the Bad Basic Ingredients There is no doubt that protein and fat are the most important ingredients in a diet designed for a carnivore. There are other ingredients that are essential not only to provide a complete and balanced recipe but to go beyond just meeting the basic […]

The Right Pet Food for Your Pets: Protein & Fat   

By Dr. Al Townshend The Good and the Bad Basic Ingredients Have you thought about finding the right pet food for your pet? With hundreds of pet foods available today, every brand advertises their food as the right pet food for your pet. But the truth is there is no one food that is right […]

The Right Pet Food for Your Pets: Ingredients   

By Dr. Al Townshend The Good and the Bad Basic Ingredients Now that you have a basic understanding of the food groups in every pet food, it is also important to take the next step and dive a bit deeper into what makes a good pet food recipe. The best information is on the packaging […]

The Right Pet Food for Your Pets: Vitamins and Minerals   

By Dr. Al Townshend The Good and the Bad Basic Ingredients Vitamins and Minerals are some of the most important nutrients that every pet requires. We at Pet Planet place great value on recommending the best levels of vitamins and minerals for dogs and cats. Every function that occurs in the body depends on vitamins […]

Avoiding Obesity – How You Can Keep Your Pet Fit      

The numbers speak for themselves – America has a weight problem. Rather, 53% of dogs in America and 58% of cats are considered either overweight or obese, while in the U.S, currently about ⅓ Of American Adults are also considered obese. It’s clear we are not taking enough steps to tackle the fat – so […]

Zini’s Story    

Ch. Jaraw’s Zini Zepplynn (July 7, 2001 – April 20, 2015) Zini’s Start On July 7, 2001 a litter of Siberian Husky puppies were born at a kennel in sunny California. The Walt Disney movie “Dinosaur” was popular at the time so the breeder April Cox named the litter after the lemurs in the movie. […]

List of Ingredients   

Animal fat is a by-product of meat processing and is obtained from the tissues of mammals and/or poultry in the commercial process of rendering or extracting. Animal meat (turkey, chicken, beef, fish, etc.) is the clean flesh derived from the slaughtered animal. Animal meat meal and by-product meal is the clean, rendered remainder of a […]

Premium vs. Grocery Pet Foods   

Why do Pet Planet Ambassadors spend much of their time discussing and educating customers on the benefits of premium pet food? Because what our pets eat, the quality of nutrients & proper supplementation are the foundations for their health and longevity. Domesticated pets have acquired many problems such as allergies, skin conditions, behavioral issues and […]

Digestive Enzymes     

Digestive enzymes are substances that nature put into the bodies of our pets (and our own) to unlock the nutrition contained in food. Enzymes are also found in plants and raw foods in their natural state. Almost every process that goes on in the body requires enzymes. Nobel-prize winner Dr. James B. Sumner suggested many […]

Pet Health Myths     

Pet Planet believes good health starts with superior nutrition, which is why we choose the foods we carry with great care. Responsible pet Guardians make decisions for the animals in their care based on advice they receive from professionals in the pet industry. Occasionally, the nutritional information from one source may contradict the information provided by […]

Weight Loss Q&A      

My significant other says our dog is fat – I think they’re just fluffy. How can we tell? What should we do if they are overweight? Between 25 and 40 percent of dogs are overweight, but Guardians often don’t know it until they take their dog to the veterinarian for another reason. You can judge […]

Understanding Raw Diets   

Raw Diet At Pet Planet, we are often asked to explain the difference between raw pet foods and more traditional forms of pet food. Raw diets consist of bones, ground meat vegetables, fruit and other whole foods. The theory behind feeding raw food is that our pets’ ancestors ate raw meat and bones, and that […]

The Glycemic Index   

What is the Glycemic Index? Glycemic Index (GI) is a scale that ranks the carbohydrates in food by how much they raise the blood glucose levels compared to sugar Carbohydrates break down to form sugar which gives your pet energy. After eating, blood-glucose levels rise. Low GI foods provide more consistent energy levels throughout the […]

Nutrition Q&A   

The primary line of defense in nutritional disorder prevention and immune system maintenance is a sound nutritional program.   Why doesn’t Pet Planet carry some of the most common brands of pet food? As the pet food industry became big business, so did the marketing campaigns of some products. The focus was not on the […]

Food Safety    

Pet food recalls are not uncommon these days making it more and more difficult to trust that the food we feed our pets is safe. Here are a few criteria Pet Planet follows when choosing our product lines. First, we look for pet food companies that own their manufacturing facility. They should source all of […]

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